CROWN Overall

The letter from Oscar Berman President of Crown to H.F.Marshall & Co, the dealer at West Virginia.


The sum...

Super Crown Shrunk Overalls is the only overalls not to shrink and fade in the world.

Adjust-Alls is the only piece work garment on the market with an Adjustable Trunk and Invisible Drop Seat.

Crown Overall is the cheapest even they pay the shipping cost.


I'm curious about "Crown Shrunk Overall is the only overalls not to shrink"

In 1925, Sanforized was not invented or was not popular in the market.

Why the Crown insist to show "Crown Shrunk Overall is the only overalls not to shrink".



The office of the crown overall mfg co.

The streetcars ran on the street then.

The order form is not used.

This dealer opened the envelope and see the catalog, but they did not order any items.




